Can partial classes solve the expression problem?

Programmers are always defining types and operations to use these types. It's the essence of developing features in working software. The expression problem[1] asks how easy it is to define types and operations in a given programming language or paradigm, and is stated as follows:

"The goal is to define a datatype by cases, where one can add new cases to the datatype and new functions over the datatype, without recompiling existing code, and while retaining static type safety (e.g., no casts)."

To elaborate, a set of definitions or abstractions can claim to have solved the expression problem if it is possible to:

  1. Add new data types, or simply types.
  2. Add new functions, or operations over the defined types.
  3. Not recompile existing code while adding new types or operations.
  4. Retain static type safety.

Programming languages generally provide several features to tackle the expression problem. These features have their trade-offs, just like the languages that provide them. Clojure, for example, has support for multimethods that allow us to define any number of polymorphic functions that operate over a set of data types. Of course, Clojure is dynamically typed, which doesn't meet the requirement of static type safety by definition. On the other hand, most statically typed languages support interfaces that can be implemented by multiple data types. However, such implementations often make use of type casting, which is rather dubious for static type safety.

As an example, let's say we're implementing expression trees[2], which are used to represent arithmetic expressions. A numeric literal can be represented by a Const type and an Add type can represent an addition of two expressions. Let's define an operation to evaluate the result of an expression. We'll call this operation Eval. Now, without recompiling existing code or compromising type safety, is it possible to make the following changes?

  1. Add a new operation View to print an expression.
  2. Add a new type Mult to represent multiplication of two expressions.

That seems simple enough. Is it possible to implement a solution in C#? If we define the types Const and Add to implement an interface IExpr. This interface would define Eval as a method. This would make it easy to add a new type Mult, but adding a new method View in the interface IExpr would require changes to all existing types. So, it's easy to add new types with this approach, but it's not possible to add new operations without changing and recompiling existing definitions.

Another approach would be to use multiple interfaces for different operations like Eval and View. These interfaces could then be implemented explicitly in types like Const, Add and Mult. However, this implementation would require type casting, which doesn't really maintain static type safety.

Let's try using partial classes to implement a solution. Essentially, partial classes allow the definition of a single class to be spread over multiple definitions or files through use of the partial qualifier. Interfaces can also be defined using the partial qualifier.

Firstly, let's define the IExpr interface. This interface will declare a single method Eval.

public partial interface IExpr
    double Eval();

The types Const and Add can now be defined as partial classes that implement this interface.

public partial class Const : IExpr
    public double Value { get; }

    public Const(double value) =>
        Value = value;

public partial class Add : IExpr
    public IExpr Left { get; }
    public IExpr Right { get; }

    public Add(IExpr left, IExpr right) =>
        (Left, Right) = (left, right);

A Const expression is defined to wrap a single double value, and an Add expression contains two properties Left and Right that are expressions themselves. Of course, this code won't compile as the Eval method isn't implemented by the Const and Add types. Let's go ahead and implement this method, but in separate definitions using partial as follows:

public partial class Const
    public double Eval() => Value;

public partial class Add
    public double Eval() =>
        Left.Eval() + Right.Eval();

So, the Eval operation is now implemented by the Const and Add types. Let's declare the View method in the IExpr interface by using a separate partial definition.

public partial interface IExpr
    string View();

Now, the compiler complains that the Const and Add types don't implement the View method. Similar to how the Eval method was implemented, the View method can be implemented in separate partial definitions as follows:

public partial class Const
    public string View() =>

public partial class Add
    public string View() =>
        $"({Left.View()} + {Right.View()})";

Great! We can add an operation without modifying the existing definitions of Const and Add. If we had to implement a new type Mult to represent arithmetic multiplication of two expressions, we can easily define Mult as a partial class that implements the IExpr interface as follows:

public partial class Mult : IExpr
    public IExpr Left { get; }
    public IExpr Right { get; }

    public Mult(IExpr left, IExpr right) =>
        (Left, Right) = (left, right);

public partial class Mult
    public double Eval() =>
        Left.Eval() * Right.Eval();

public partial class Mult
    public string View() =>
        $"({Left.View()} * {Right.View()})";

That was real easy! It was almost as easy as defining the Const and Add types along with their implementations of Eval and View. In fact, it's easy to define types and independent operations as partial classes because they're actually open classes[3].

It's worth noting that all definitions of a partial class are compiled into a single class in a given assembly. So, it can be argued that adding new definitions to an existing partial class causes recompilation of the entire class. While this is definitely true, existing methods in the class will produce the same compilation output as long as they haven't been modified. Partial classes thus have the effect of not recompiling existing code.

To truly avoid recompilation of a partial class after adding a new definition, the new definition would have to be in a different assembly. Unfortunately, this is not really possible as one of the limitations of parital classes is that they cannot span multiple assemblies or namespaces.

Despite these limitations, partial classes and interfaces can be used this way to implement an adequate solution to the expression problem in C#.

The code in this post can be found here along with relevant tests.


  1. The Expression Problem - Wadler, Philip (1998).
  2. Expression Trees - Preiss, Bruno R. (1998).
  3. MultiJava: Modular Open Classes and Symmetric Multiple Dispatch for Java - Clifton, Curtis; Leavens, Gary T.; Chambers, Craig; Millstein, Todd (2000).
Tags: Solving the expression problem